MarathonCash ($MRACE)
Marathon Cash ($MRACE) The World First Race2earn using Metaverse and GPS utility!
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#Marathoncash #movetoearn #BSC #BNB #VR #GMT #Binance #STEPN #stepn #BSCGem #m2e #R2E Successfully Passed Smart Contract Audit!
Team believe in transparency.

What is smart contract audit?
A smart contract audit is an extensive methodical examination and analysis of a smart contract’s code that is used to interact with a cryptocurrency or blockchain. This process is conducted to discover errors, issues and security vulnerabilities in the code in order to suggest improvements and ways to fix them. Generally, smart contract audits are necessary, because most of the contracts deal with financial assets and/or valuable items. assess whether there are possible security errors in the $MRACE contract, and if there are any errors in the contracts report is attach, they have described in a report that which issues critical, medium and low risk, external audit give a chance us to improve the security of investments of the whole community in upcoming presale of
Final Results About Audit Report

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Mission and Vision
Team development plays a serious role in the future expansion because, in fast-moving markets, traditional hierarchical structures are giving way to agile teams that can respond quickly to new challenges, solve problems and innovate at speed. Team development also achieves the most engagement, and success which gets marvellous achievements like app development, which are the most useful asset in the field of Move2Earn or Race2Earn sector like shoes, digital and non-digital collectibles water, and much more, and that team has also shown tremendous achievements in the future aspects as well which will change the face of blockchain and its implementation at every sector. The promotion and several other policies which will help the use and adoption of blockchain technology, and its main purpose is to keep a degree of greatness and principles in all projects that will give the discussion public and global importance. Team development will be to learn and find the groundbreaking capability of Blockchain Technology and its capacity to change the life of common people.
The Birth of —
First, web 3.0 racing competition and earn passive income
Virtual marathon races permit athletes to finish their race on a treadmill, however, most virtual marathon races require GPS or cell phone application following to confirm the fulfillment of the full distance. When the user can run on a treadmill, their GPS can calculate the number of steps and get rewards like every 100 steps can earn 1 marathon token, a native token named MAR and a winner can get a 10,000 utility MRACE token which is used for a governance token, also have a compatible function for winners they can sell these at a premium price and trade they’re like an EVM compatible blockchain like Ethereum, avalanche smart contract, fantom opera, and polygon. Several other different marathon categories are to be defined;
- Beginner Marathon where they have to run at least 12 KM’s and 1 token for every 50 steps for all and once they are done or finish they will get rewards of 500 MRACE tokens.
- Gainer Marathon where they have to run at least 25 KM’s and 1 token for every 25 steps for all and once they are done or finish they will get rewards of 1200 MRACE tokens.
- Strong Marathon where they have to run at least 40 KM’s and 1 token for every 15 steps for all and once they are done or finish they will get rewards of 2500 MRACE tokens.
- Expert Marathon where they have to run at least 50+ KM’s and 1 token for every 12 steps for all and once they are done or finish they will get rewards of 4000 MRACE tokens and also known as a hybrid marathon because it’s a mixer of hiking and normal marathon on road.
Marathon Competitions
a) Cycle marathon competitions use Gym cycles with VR headsets instead of physical cycling
The plan of VR headsets exergames, so they are agreeable and drawing in, for various age gatherings, is as of now under-explored. While numerous cyclists might be longing for nature, indoor cycling has its advantages, following advancement is exact and you don’t have to stress over nasty weather conditions.
b) Swimming marathon competition using VR
The capability of underwater computer-generated simulation exercises is unlimited. By using VR, a swimming marathon is a new way of exciting for the athletes to enroll and gain such a tremendous experience underwater, athletes can also calculate each lap by using GPS which will help the individual performances.
c) Road marathon competition using VR
On a hot, bright day, the actual demonstration of running up a slope might be seen to be harder than running at a similar grade and distance on a treadmill. However, if surveying the genuine, instead of seen, advantages of running, open-air running will normally dominate the competition. Regardless of whether you run at a similar speed on a treadmill, you will by and large exhaust more energy running outside.
d) Trail marathon competition using VR
Unlike street running and track running, it usually happens on climbing trails, frequently in the rocky territory, where there can be a lot bigger climbs and plunges. It is hard to conclusively recognize trail running from cross-country running.
NFTs Marketplace
The following are detailed categories of NFTs marketplace that need to be defined:
For Shoes:
A Category Shoes: 100 MRACE Tokens
B Category Shoes: 75 MRACE Tokens
C Category Shoes: 50 MRACE Tokens
For Bottles:
Red bull: 25 MRACE Tokens
Juice Bottle: 20 MRACE Tokens
Cold Water Bottle: 10 MRACE Tokens
For Sunglasses:
Sunglasses: 5 MRACE Tokens — Competitions Roadmap
First, web 3.0 racing competition and earn passive income

Marathon running offers physical and mental health benefits, the actual advantages incorporate weight loss, becoming fitter, and eating better. Your heart beats all the more productively and in time you figure out how to accomplish a decrease in a basal pulse that converts into less work done all the more proficiently by the heart. The advantages of preparing for a significant distance running occasion, for example, a half marathon race or long-distance race are quiet a large number. By a long shot, the most remarkable advantages are upgrades in cardiovascular wellness and strong determination. Other less normally advertised productive outcomes are weight reduction and emotional wellness changes, for example, improvement in mood, confidence, decreases in nervousness, and relationship holding with preparing collaborators.
Gym cycles with VR headsets instead of physical cycling
Virtual online training has arisen as one of the main 20 worldwide fitness patterns for 2021 and keeps on growing quickly. Although this permits the cycling local area to take part in virtual preparation and rivalry, Cycling is an incredible type of activity, it has numerous physical, mental, and social advantages. Notwithstanding, the ongoing COVID-19 emergency, cyclists all over the planet are observing they can do short, solo rides or on account of those nations that are on full lockdown, bound to indoor cycling for a long time to come. Virtual reality (VR) can be joined with exergames innovation to give profoundly bright active work encounters. The plan of VR headsets exergames, so they are agreeable and drawing in, for various age gatherings, is as of now under-explored. While numerous cyclists might be longing for nature, indoor cycling has its advantages, following advancement is exact and you don’t have to stress over nasty weather conditions. Nonetheless, it can get exhausting. In this way, here is a portion of the virtual instruments and devices that can add an aspect to indoor preparation and provide you with a sample of cutting-edge cycling.
Cycling Marathon Impact on Individual Body
A prior investigation discovered that physical cycling causes a severe impact on the human body like muscle irritation that sticks around for longer than different sorts of actual exercise which incorporate muscle strain, shin supports, and a severe foot condition called plantar fasciitis. The greater part of these wounds can be anticipated with the right extending, taking rest days, and developing mileage gradually. While virtual cycling can eliminate all types of severe diseases such as body joints can strengthen, boost mental health, prevent high blood pressure, increase and balance blood flow and increase the bone intensity, these all cause a positive impact on the human body.
Swimming marathon competition using VR
VR likewise allows us to do a ton of things that isn’t possible in the real world. VR headsets that work underwater are presently being developed. The capability of underwater computer-generated simulation exercises is unlimited. By using VR, a swimming marathon is a new way of exciting for the athletes to enroll and gain such a tremendous experience underwater, athletes can also calculate each lap by using GPS which will help the individual performances. Water practices are remarkable in the way that one is expected to push very hard to move. This effort works muscles as far as possible. All the more critically, submerged practice works each of the body’s muscles instead of only the arms or the legs. Everything from the center to the shoulders, calves, biceps, and past should work pair for one to travel through the water as expected. The issue with marathon swimming laps is they become dull. Submerged computer-generated simulation is here to change that. The experience consolidates the weightless impression of being in the water with charming video and sound. Along these lines, the member can choose from a bunch of underwater marathon routine schedules, pick his favored visuals and sound, and put his body under serious inspection in the water.
Swimming Marathon Impact on Individual Body
Probably the most extremely difficult impacts of the swim have been on his skin. As he takes in pungent air and water, salt covers his tongue, making it expand. Three weeks in, he awakened to lumps of his tongue on his cushion, and he experienced difficulty talking. Hot food sources became painful to eat, washing with mouthwash and covering his mouth with a layer of coconut oil shielded it from the salt. During atrial fibrillation, the heart’s tapping becomes irregular and less proficient, which can ultimately prompt stroke-causing blood clusters. Physically can impact and damage a major loss of athlete’s body while using VR headset, user can feel only body floats on water and due to this only main body function will be a move which is very helpful for athlete’s body like muscle and joint movement, no cause of blood flow, user can enjoy an amazing lifetime experience while using VR headsets.
Road marathon competition using VR
Athletes can get a similar exercise whether running on a treadmill or outside as long as they keep up with a similar amount of exertion. Clinically talking, the effort is put together concerning your pulse as well as on an individuality known as seen effort. Seen effort refers explicitly to how hard you believe a movement to be, independent of how your body answers that activity. For instance, the apparent effort of a road marathon is running inside will commonly be not exactly running outside on a windy day regardless of whether you consume more calories or have a quicker pulse inside. On a hot, bright day, the actual demonstration of running up a slope might be seen to be harder than running at a similar grade and distance on a treadmill. However, if surveying the genuine, instead of seen, advantages of running, open-air running will normally dominate the competition. Regardless of whether you run at a similar speed on a treadmill, you will by and large exhaust more energy running outside. This distinction in calorie consumption isn’t simply because of varieties in the landscape, climate, and wind conditions yet in addition because the treadmill eventually does a great deal of the work for you by pushing you forward. Several other benefits of using a VR headset on road marathons like no weather or temperature constraints, easy control of the pace, and also beneficial for body movement and joints.
Running Marathon Impact on Individual Body
Running outside in dry, decently warm temperatures is ideal. In the temporary, it’s not so great and more dangerous in the rainstorm, snow, and incredibly cold or hot temperatures. However, with appropriate apparel, preparation, and arrangement, you can run outside in most atmospheric conditions. Also, running in the super cold or intensity can build your gamble of drying out. However, both treadmill and open-air running bring medical advantages, for example, lower pulse, more important resolution, and lower chance of sorrow, outside running might give extra advantages just by assisting you with feeling more associated with nature additionally, the different conditions and hindrances you might experience while outside running can assist you with initiating other muscle gatherings and foster better equilibrium. Using a VR headset shows the great experience of the athlete by using treadmill running partake in the different capacities a treadmill can offer, like exact control of their speed, slope, and spans. This is additionally useful for those getting back from a physical issue, as they can advance gradually on a treadmill in a more controlled climate. For instance, running outside might represent a more serious gamble to somebody getting back from a lower leg injury due to factors like lopsided ground and dangerous walkways. At last, running on a treadmill might be better for your joints since most treadmills have padded belts to retain a portion of the effect. Conversely, hard ground, particularly walkways and streets, will not.
Trail marathon competition using VR
Trail running is a game action that joins running, and, where there are vertical inclinations, climbing, which is run on an unpaved surface, is like both mountain and fell running (otherwise called slope running). By using a VR headset, athletes can show very improved performance because, in physical a warm environment, mountains, hills, stones, dust, and a lot of health issues are one of the major causes of obsolete that’s why VR is one of the platforms that every athlete can participate for trail running or tracks which are moderately simple to follow and doesn’t be guaranteed to include the critical measures of rising, or need for exploring abilities, ordinary in fell running. Unlike street running and track running, it usually happens on climbing trails, frequently in the rocky territory, where there can be a lot bigger climbs and plunges. It is hard to conclusively recognize trail running from cross-country running. There is such a diverse range of uses for VR, but as trail use grows, and as new people begin to experience the outdoors by hiking or trail running.
Trail Marathon Impact on Individual Body
Running outside in dry, modestly warm temperatures is great. In the short-lived, it’s not ideal and riskier in the rainstorm, snow, and unbelievably cold or hot temperatures. Notwithstanding, with suitable clothing, readiness, and course of action, athletes can run outside in most environmental circumstances. Nonetheless, both treadmill and outdoors running bring clinical benefits, for instance, lower beat, more significant goals, and lower chance of distress, outside running could give additional benefits just by helping you with feeling more connected with nature also, the various circumstances and obstacles you could insight while outside running can help you with starting other muscle get-togethers and encourage better harmony. Utilizing a VR headset shows the incredible experience of the participant by utilizing treadmill running to participate in the various limits a treadmill can offer such as definite control of their speed, incline, and ranges. This is furthermore valuable for those returning from an actual issue, as they can progress step by step on a treadmill in a more controlled environment. For example, running outside could address a more genuine bet for someone returning from a lower leg injury because of variables like unbalanced ground and hazardous walkways. — Offers 4 Week Training Plan — Step by Step
Enjoy seamless healthy lifestyle with

For most new athletes, whether they’re boarding to kick off a wellness routine or they have their eye on one day running a 5K race or even a long-distance race, the main major objective is to run a mile constantly. What’s more, for most new athletes, this implies beginning gradually. The sharpest, best method for overcoming that first mile. Gradually develop stamina and strength by rotating walking with running. The preparation program that follows frames a method for doing this that ought to make them pursue a mile insistently a month. The stunt is making slight expansions somewhere far off your run, with relating weakening somewhere far off your walk. This is a 4-week run-walk plan comprising 4 exercises per week. Every exercise is around twenty minutes, including warm-up and chill-off.
Week 01: Consistency
It’s planned for inexperienced athletes who need to develop to constantly run, consistently running every day, especially for beginners every 07 days running continuously for 10 min an easy exercise for energizing and warm up your body and most important factors is stayed and follow up the routine pattern.
Week 02: Hills (Don’t hate us)
A decent marathon race preparation plan must be adjusted and adopt your harmony as a balanced participant. In Week 02, easy run for 20 mins four days a week, other days should take a rest and cross-trained yourself, cross-training is additionally an extraordinary method for getting a strong exercise while utilizing various muscles and decreasing the effect of your action. Low impact practices like cycling, swimming, circular, paddling, and profound water running can enhance your preparation and assist with the prevention manipulation of wounds. before doing that practice set treadmill at an inclined position within a range of 6–8% because that position feels the athletes on hills movement for the completion of day 1, and after completion of 1 run a 4x30 seconds a hills moderate hard pace and for recovery walk in between for 1 min. A balanced and healthy diet must be strictly followed during training week.
Week 03: Keep it Fun
In Week 03, easy run for 20 mins four days a week, other days should take a rest and cross-trained yourself, cross-training is additionally an extraordinary method for getting a strong exercise while utilizing various muscles and decreasing the effect of your action. Low impact practices like cycling, swimming, circular, paddling, and profound water running can enhance your preparation and assist with the prevention of manipulation wounds. before doing that practice set treadmill at an inclined position within a range of 6–8% because that position feels the athletes on hills movement for the completion of day 1 and day 4, after completion 2 runs a 4x30 seconds a hills moderate hard pace and for recovery walk in between for 1 min, a balanced and healthy diet must strictly follow during training week.
Week 04: Looking ahead
In this week, easy run for 20 mins five days a week, other days should take a rest and cross-trained yourself, cross-training is additionally an extraordinary method for getting a strong exercise while utilizing various muscles and decreasing the effect of your action. Low impact practices like cycling, swimming, circular, paddling, and profound water running can enhance your preparation and assist with the prevention of manipulation wounds. before doing that practices set the trade mill at an inclined position within a range of 6–8% because that position feels the athletes on hills movement for the completion of day 2 and day 5, after completion of 2 runs a 4x30 seconds a hills moderate hard pace and for recovery walk in between for 1 min. A balanced and healthy diet must be strictly followed during training week.
Personal Trainer
Nothing bad can be said about a little sound challenge, particularly with regards to actual wellness. Sadly, observing a reliable training partner who is viable with your particular exercise objectives can frequently demonstrate troublesome, particularly in a
post-COVID-19 world which allows you to choose the course and speed of an AR holographic symbol and race against it continuously; any time, any spot. As well as clashing with on-request exercise accomplices, you can challenge individual clients as well as race against yourself by returning to old workouts. The clearest contrast between virtual and traditional trainers is that virtual mentors need to depend on the information that athletes submit to decide if the preparation plan is working. By examining the exercise information that the athletes supply, virtual mentors can get excellent of whether athletes are battling or out-acting in preparing. All things considered, tutoring doesn’t match noticing and directing competitors eye to eye. The best trainer plays a vital role in your training and enhances your skills to achieve your target and milestone, trainer will get paid via $MRACE tokens.

Start: 15:00 UTC @ 15/05/22
�SC/HC : 250/500 BNB
�Min/Max : 0.1/5 BNB
�Liquidity : 5 Years
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Forum Username: Shopi marmut
Forum Profile Link:;u=3440820
Telegram Username: @Shopimarmut
BEP-20 Wallet Address: 0x90ceCa689DA3B5b41BE546FA37aB355D50603a39
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